
  • Fragments: Thoughts on writing while chronically ill


    I compose in bed, in fits and starts, on my phone. Quick, get the thought down before it disappears. Quick, get it right before memory distorts your words. Now, now, hurry, quick.

  • Djokovic the Villain


    One day, after a particularly bad club session, one of my court partners approached me. He sauntered over, sweat dripping down his stubble. In a half-mocking tone, he said, ‘Hey dude, I can’t help but notice that your form is wrong. You need to use your waist more.’

  • Wild Goose


    In a last act of petulance, to remind me that even as ashes, she was still my mother and would brook no public display of emotions, she crested the waves, slapping at my legs like she had when I was a child.

Fish Tank Odds
Frances An

Why is Clyde here? Clyde’s moss-green blazer and tousled brown hair appear at the bus doors. What’s Clyde doing on this bus? He’d left the Christmas party 20 minutes before I did. I was waiting at the stop for at least 15 minutes. Had he been waiting in the shadows…to see me? That’s not right. He clearly mentioned that he had a girlfriend at some point before. Maybe he left early to take a call or was using the bathroom.

  • Trauma: A living archive


    Dr AI still doesn’t know me. Neither does his supervisor – Head of Discipline, nor Head of School to whom I should be grateful (should I?). I was invisible in his class. Week one, week two. Weeks went by. Week ten, his email found me. Then I was in his office.

  • Two extracts: The Pomegranate Tree


    Its street-facing window was partly visible and only ever open a tiny bit and, if Iain recalled correctly, its glass was coated with a dark film that prevented anyone from observing the goings-on inside.

  • Someone With My Name


    Think about the guy who’s been hawking vegetables around your neighbourhood for the last two weeks, whose tempeh and bean curd prices you haggle down. He never used to be there, did he? He used to work for a company before being kicked out due to the pandemic.

Dating Myself and Other Unexpected Things
Jesse Galea

I’m pretty sure my pharmacist thinks I’m my own boyfriend. I should be offended that he doesn’t recognise me after nearly two years of coming here, but I’m not. It’s funny. And not something I expected.

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Ocean Mandala
Zahina Shah

Sometimes it felt like she’d watch everything from underneath a glass, blurring out the things ahead and focusing on one thing until it grew and took over. On days like that, the smallest things that were the easiest suddenly became the hardest.

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