Sound Wave

Covering ground from Madagascar to Iran to Pakistan, and then right back to home soil in Perth/Boorloo, PORTSIDE ISSUE TWO is a gentle journey into the rich music of the Indian Ocean region.

Curated by Centre for Stories’ Claudia Mancini, this 1.5 hours of sound waves is exactly the perfect background for a lazy weekend at home or a road trip with mates. On putting together the playlist, Claudia said:

“I wanted to cover as many countries in the Indian Ocean region as possible, which was great because it encouraged me to keep digging and find some really special music that I wouldn’t have discovered at a first glance. I also reached out to friends connected to various countries in the region so that they could share the music they love. I won’t claim continuity – there is a really big mix of genres (pop, disco, ambient, R&B, and even some punk rock). It’s a mix of songs I like the sound or feeling of, and artists whose stories have left an impression on me. A few of the artists are women who have pushed, or are still pushing, social boundaries in terms of what women can and can’t do. And, when it came to Australian music, I just couldn’t help myself – Yothu Yindi had to make an appearance.”

Listen below or head to Spotify to download the playlist.


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