here is what we have between us
by Andrew Sutherland

      for Koh Wan Ching 
          (The Esplanade, Singapore
(1) a reclaimed land /  
         we walk on water. 
(2) the definition of embassy 
         and stand here by design. 
(3) a character: the critic 
         who lost her sanctuary. 
(4) at nightclubs, there are rules 
           for drinking, rules for dice. 
(5) another character we might 
           meet: the man still on his way. 
(6) always, there is a dream of a home. 
(7) PR notes on how and why  
            to annex body as terrain. 

Laws also apply to foreigners living and working in Singapore. Being HIV positive will classify a foreigner as a prohibited immigrant. The ban on HIV-positive foreigners entering on short-term visit passes was lifted on 1 April 2016. Tourists or short term visitors are not required to undergo an HIV test. HIV testing is usually required for applying for a work pass, long term visit pass, employment pass, or permanent residence. Those who are found to be HIV-positive will not be granted passes. 

                                      (Action for AIDS Singapore

hello love.           so – a descending journey 
                                    instead of an escape. 
what’s lacking now 
is really looking at   
                                            into the bile duct 
                                            as a way to cross 
to hell. am I crazy? or are you keen on another try?  
time is now. this 
could have been 

                                             and this was that. 
                                             can you imagine?  
we never know –   
      except to feel the water drain. 

Andrew Sutherland is a Queer poz (PLHIV) writer and performance-maker between Boorloo and Singapore. His work draws upon intercultural and Queer critical theories, and the viral instabilities of identity, pop culture and the autobiographical self. As a performance-maker, he has twice been awarded WA’s Blaz Award for New Writing. As a poet, he was awarded Overland’s Fair Australia Poetry Prize 2017 and placed third in FAWWA’s Tom Collins Prize 2021. His work can be found in Running Dog, Cordite, Westerly, Scum Mag, and Margaret River Press’ We’ll Stand in That Place. He is grateful to reside on Whadjuk Noongar boodja.


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