Which way dreaming

Megan Ugle

We are simple people 
we are verbal people 
we are storytellers from way beyond 
we have been for millennia 


storytelling is how we learn 
yarning is how we connect 
have we forgotten who we are? 
Are we asleep? 


write our story 
read our story 
tell our story 
this is who we are 


dreaming, we must be dreaming 
tell ourselves our own stories 
we are the ones that hold the key 
to our very own destiny 


create your dream 
sing your dream 
write your dream 
tell and speak your dream 


listen to yourself telling your dream 
dance your dream 
paint and draw your dream 
breathe life into your dream.

They get confused when we talk about dreaming. 
Who are they to tell us our dreaming is wrong? 
Our creation is wrong? 
What is a dream? A dream is our hearts’ longing. 


Our dreaming is verbal if we choose to share. 
Our dreaming is unconscious if we choose to be silent. 
Our dreaming is our very own witness. 
We are the creators. 

We are the silent witness 
to our very own dreaming. 
We are the knowledge holders 
we are the seekers. 


So who’s telling your story? 
Who’s telling your dream? 
Who’s behind your dream? 
The one watching. 

Megan Ugle was born in Beverley, Western Australia and grew up in Brookton. Megan has three children and lives in Boddington. Megan is a descendant from Whadjuk, Ballardong, and Wilmen Noongar families and loves writing about daily inspirations.

Favourite sea creature
My favourite sea creature is the starfish. Just because it's unique and beautiful. I also have fond memories of a beach trip where the beach was full of them.