Three poems
by Felix Nesi

Translated from Indonesian into English by Sebastian Partogi


Di Rumah Seorang Asing yang Tak Henti
Membicarakan Rambut dan Warna Kulit

Siapakah yang diam-diam

menaruh gemunung di dalam


Siapakah yang membentangkan

curiga dari ujung dagu

hingga jendela kamarmu?

Di negeri kami, orang

bercerita tentang tanah yang hilang,

tentang bangsa yang tak punya siapa-siapa selain ibukota.

Bawalah bebanku,

kau berkata,

aku punya tulang yang ganjil

tetapi lihai

memberi cerita

Di perhentian berikut

kita berpandang-pandangan

Tak ada persimpangan

tetapi kita

tak ingin beriringan

Malang, 2015 

In a house of a stranger who speaks of the
colour of hair and skin

Who had in such quietness placed

the mountains within your


Who had outstretched

the suspicion from the tip of your chin

to the foot of your window?

In our country, people

tell stories of vanished lands

of nations who has nothing but a capital city

Carry my burdens,

you tell me,

I have an odd bone,

one that has a skill,

of telling stories

In the next stop,

we gaze towards each other

There are no intersections

but we

do not want to walk together

Malang, 2015



Di Ladang Sabana

Sudah beta patrikan

nama kau

dari barat ke timur

selatan dan tanah janjian

Sudah luruh segala yang ingin


Yang melingkar

bukan lagi kematian dan

yang mencuri kini telah bersepatu

Pokok yang kokoh:

apakah kekal?

Sumur yang angkuh

di manakah batas keinginan?

Bunga rumput jatuh,

burung puyuh dan kucing hutan

menyebut-nyebut nama

seorang kelana yang

membawa senjata dan bercerita

tentang negara.

Ia yang sejak mula mengendap

kau yang sejak subuh mengerjap.

Musim yang asing. Orang orang yang asing.

Bitauni, 2015

In the the Savannah

I have engraved

your name

from the west to the east,

the south and the promised land.

The desire for war has


That which circles us

is no longer death and

thieves are no longer barefoot

The sturdy tree:

what is eternity?

The arrogant well:

where is the limit of desire?

Flowers, grass, falls,

the quail bird and the forest cat

they speak the name of

a wanderer who

carries a weapon and tells stories

about a country.

They who settled from the beginning

You who opened your eyes from dawn

A strange season. A strange people.

Bitauni, 2015



Sapi di Sabana

Segulung rambutmu mencuri mimpiku

tentang demonstran yang dipukuli polisi

hingga kepalanya berubah menjadi kupu-kupu

Malang, 2013

A cow in the Savannah

A strand of your hair has stolen my dream

of a protester beaten by the police

his head transforming into a butterfly

Malang, 2013


Felix Nesi writes novels, short stories, and poetry. His novel, Orang-Orang Oetimu (2019) has received a literary award from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in 2021. His newest book is a collection of poems titled Kita Pernah Saling Mencinta.

Thank you to Sebastian Partogi for translating Felix’s poety.