
Megan Ugle

As I look around for my moort my people 
I start to feel estranged 
with all these different faces looking back at me 
the truth of the matter is 


some show no respect or interest  
yet they bring everything of theirs 
their language their culture  
their ways 


I am in my own country 
I feel like a stranger 
that does not belong 
I feel like a minority 


within our very own boodja 
displaced and dislodged 
our old people had to let go of their very own identity  
carry a dog tag to survive 


 looking for sanctuary and a fair go 
are we? 
don’t get me wrong 
I love all different cultures and people 


but we in our own backyard of Australia 
are looking for acknowledgement 
beyond the colour of our skin 


though nobody sees this 
we see all 
we are observing everything and everyone 
we stay patiently waiting 


for you to accept and get to know  
these pecking orders 
all the behaviours, all the differences 
all the business 


we the minority 
in our very own country 
are watching you all 
and reading your hearts 


you're all flat out worn out  
and in your own little worlds 
shall we wash you 
wring you and hang you out to dry? 


when will all you visitors understand? 
that we the minority stay waiting  
watching the world pass by 
majority of us have not travelled out of country  


why should we feel the need to? 
when we can understand your country  
from the way you behave in our country 
who made all these rules? 


certainly not my birdiya’s 
the decisions should be made on the heart of a person 
not the bank balance 
oh, but I forgot that boya does the talking. 

Boodja - country 
Boya - money 
Birdiya’s - boss’s 
Moort - family 

Megan Ugle was born in Beverley, Western Australia and grew up in Brookton. Megan has three children and lives in Boddington. Megan is a descendant from Whadjuk, Ballardong, and Wilmen Noongar families and loves writing about daily inspirations.

Favourite sea creature
My favourite sea creature is the starfish. Just because it's unique and beautiful. I also have fond memories of a beach trip where the beach was full of them.