Three Poems

Daniel Hansen

I. Trials & Tribulations Vs. Tradition

Made from Kangaroo tail,
With chilli packed,
To some,
Might be an acquired taste.

& to be honest,
Tis probably true. 


I remember how much the chilli would burn but,
I loved that roo tail SOOO fucking much.


My Dad used to say,
The reason he put so much chilli in,
Was so people wouldn’t eat it,
More for him,
Never stopped me.


My Dad,
‘Who’s the toughest??’,
‘Who’s the strongest???’.


Feel the burn,
Is it worth it???,
Does the end justify the means??,
Was the ‘work’ you done worth it??,
Was what you did get the reward that you wanted??

Ma was the same,
Just as strong,
Just as tough.

Both of ‘em stubborn,
Yet never uneasy,

Almost as if,
Whatever bad unfolds,
Whatever negativity,
Whatever pain,
Would eventually disperse,
Be done with,
As soon as it passed,
& it would be worth it.

& I’ll tell ya what,
Fuckin’ oath it did,
My Mum & Dad stayed strong right to the very end.

Just like their Mums & Dads,
& their Mums & Dads before ‘em,
For all of eternity,
Have taught us.

II. Totem Song

Ngany Ngank Moort Barangka Wirloo,
Ngany Maarman Moort Barangka Mokiny.
My Mum’s Family Totem Owl,
My Dad’s Family Totem Dingo.

The Wisdom of the old night Owl,
Helps us trust in the mystery,
The magic,
Of the unknown.

The Light in the darkness,
Watching over us in the night,
With an evolved perspective,
To assist us with growth,
& intuitive development.

While also helping with shadow work,
For transformation,
Of whatever darkness we hold,
Into Wisdom through Light.

The Discipline of the Dingo,
Helps us develop logic,
& patience.

A guardian spirit,
Who also helps us,
To acknowledge our weaknesses,
To adapt,
& endeavour,
To move forward.

Quick-witted companions,
That can perceive the unseen,
Hiding in Light,
Protecting us.

I can walk anywhere on this land,
& any lands beyond here,
Knowing I’m safe,
Knowing I’m right.

Because I always know,
I have my Totem song,
That I can easily sing,
& they’ll be right here with me.

III. Nyoongar Warriors/Yagan’s Song

Looking out over the desert plains,
Waiting patiently for movement on the horizon,
...It's been days,
Since receiving word of pale strangers killing tribesmen.

They've been slaughtering us with loud alien instruments,
That spit hot metal,
With our shields doing very little when they get hit,
Returning warriors by the thousands to the ancestral pool.

While also spreading such foul foreign diseases,
That made the strongest of our hearts so vulnerable,
We've never heard of a war quite like the one we are seeing,
Against an enemy so soulless and cold.

For not only do they kill us in the physical form,
They carelessly trample over sacred land,
Carelessly conquering all things they set their beady little eyes on,
Before burning everything when they disband.

Taking those left and forcing on them a new living,
Teaching them their dreaming is just a dream and nothing more,
Judging us as apes and Neanderthals without any intelligent thinking,
And that we haven't any form of Law.


They underestimate us,
They believe they are superior somehow,
But when they finally come through to attack us,
They will witness the Nyoongar Law and Nyoongar power.

Daniel Hansen is a Nyoongar poet, musician, consultant, and university student from Ballardong country, born on Whadjuk country. Daniel thoroughly enjoys writing and performing poetry as he feels it connects him with his culture through storytelling. Over the years, he’s used poetry as a tool to overcome anger and mental health issues. While becoming more of an established poet, Daniel has used his platform to promote Nyoongar culture. Currently studying a double degree of theology and philosophy at Notre Dame, Daniel has always had an interest in theology and philosophy, and he feels that it is reflected in his poetry work. Daniel hopes that his studies will help broaden and deepen his understanding of the universe and the way things work. Daniel has three children, who he hasn’t seen in years but that he misses dearly and thinks about every day.