Five Questions: Tiffany Ko

Tell us about a typical day?

My day starts off with a cup of tea and some cuddles with the cats. If I have extra time, I like to meditate and journal before my commute to work. These days, instead of listening to music or a podcast, I like to concentrate on the myriad of sounds around me, and relish in the present.

What is your future hope?

My future hope is that the world will slow down, so that we can all enjoy moments with friends, family and the things that are important to us.

If you could invite one person to dinner, who would it be and where would you take them in your city?

I’d invite my grandma from when she was my age, and take her around Freo for some fish and chips, before taking a dip in the ocean. I’d love to share stories of growing up – of mine in Perth, and hers in Hong Kong.

What is your favourite bookstore?

Rabble Books & Games in Maylands has always sucked me in with their eye-catching displays and colourful shelves. Time spent there is like a vortex, you think you’re browsing for thirty minutes, but when you glance at your watch upon leaving, you realise it’s been over an hour or more.

What does a port culture look like to you?

Port culture is a mix of everything you can imagine – a bustling crowd that is constantly changing, just like waves on the ocean. A place that is new and intriguing, and yet, is familiar, like home.