Five Questions: Lily Nie

Lily Nie, also known as Paperlily Studio is a designer and illustrator from Boorloo/Perth. Our beautiful kelp logo, illustrations, and overall web design is created by Lily.

Tell us about a typical day?

I start the day early with a walk around my local park. I use this time to listen to a podcast or music, then back for some yoga and meditation on my front lawn. This has been such a nice morning routine for me, to start the day gently and connect with nature. After coffee it’s down to work in my cosy home studio. In the evening I might go for another walk with a friend, unwind with a book, or sketch out new ideas for tomorrow.

What is your future hope?

To live life fully, bravely, with no regrets. I hope for a life where my values align with my actions and that I can spend my days doing things that give me meaning. I hope we can live in a world where we all collectively care more about the environment, start to live more mindfully, sustainably, and build richer and stronger communities.

If you could invite one person to dinner, who would it be and where would you take them in your city?

I would love to invite outdoor photographer, filmmaker and climber Jimmy Chin, and I would take him down south to watch a sunset on these amazing red granite cliffs between Foul Bay and Cosy Corner.

What is your favourite bookstore?

Readings in Carlton, Melbourne. It’s always open late, even on a Sunday. The way it’s lit up at night, I can never just walk past. It is my perfect way to end an evening after dinner out with friends.

What does a port culture look like to you?

To me port culture smells like the sea, the wind blowing my hair, shipping container cranes which have always reminded me of giraffes. The first day I arrived in Australia we went straight from the airport to Fremantle Port, so for me, port culture represents hope and new beginnings.